Principal Investigator

Dohyung Kim

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Member of Vagelos Institute of Energy Science and Technology (VIEST)
Member of The Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter (LRSM)
University of Pennsylvania

Early Career Advisory Board – Chem & Bio Engineering
Faculty liaison/advisor to the AIChE student chapter at Penn
Faculty advisor to Road-to-Research (R2R)

Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2018)
B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University (2012)

Unilever Award / 2024
KSEA Young Investigator Award / 2024
Nanoscale Emerging Investigators / 2024
Scialog Fellow – Negative Emissions Science / 2023
Hanwha Non-tenured Faculty Award / 2023
Kavli Energy NanoScience Institute Best Thesis Prize / 2018
Schmidt Science Fellow Finalist (Inaugural cohort) / 2018
MRS Graduate Student Award – Silver / 2018
Gareth Thomas Materials Excellence Award / 2017
Samsung Scholar / 2012 – 2017

Postdoctoral Scholars

Ndeye Fatou Sylla

Visiting Scholar
Joined Summer 2024
Ph.D. in Physics and Materials Science,
University of Pretoria
Research Interests: Energy Storage

Senior graduate students and postdocs interested in joining the team as postdoctoral scholars should contact the PI by email. Please attach your CV and indicate your interest in the position and how it fits with your career goals.

The team is looking for candidates with training in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, and Physics, but we welcome candidates from other various areas as well.

Ph.D. Students

rani baidoun

Joined Fall 2022
Ph.D. Student in CBE
B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Lehigh University
Research Interests: Electrochemical Cleavage

Nidhi ohri

Joined Fall 2022
Ph.D. Student in CBE
B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
Research Interests: Single-atom catalysis

Incoming Ph.D. students and prospective students interested in joining the team are encouraged to contact the PI by email to schedule a meeting.

Joseph Nicolas

Joined Fall 2023
Ph.D. Student in CBE
B.S. in Chemical Engineering,
The Pennsylvania State University
Research Interests: Solid/Liquid Interfaces

Master’s and Undergraduate Students

Yidong (Andrew) Hua

Joined Fall 2022
Master’s Student in CBE
Research Interests: Solid/Liquid Interfaces

Lauren Van

Joined Summer 2024
Undergraduate in CBE
Research Interests: N-doped Carbon Catalysts

Gexu (Liv) Liu

Joined Fall 2023
Master’s Student in MSE
Research Interests: Electrochemical Cleavage

Isaac Yang

Joined Summer 2024
Undergraduate in CBE
Research Interests: Electrochemical CO2 Conv.

William Meng

Joined Fall 2023
Undergraduate in CBE
Research Interests: Electrochemical CO2 Conv.

Master’s students and undergraduates interested in joining the team are encouraged to contact the PI by email to schedule a meeting.